In South Dakota, all citizens are expected to adhere to both state and federal laws. This included police officers. While police officers have a difficult job in enforcing the law, they are not allowed to act inappropriately in the course of their duties. This is...
Build A Strong Defense
To Protect Your Rights
Month: July 2022
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Fabricated evidence should not be used against you
If you’ve been arrested and later charged with a criminal offense, this means the prosecution has some evidence against you. Some might think this makes the case a slam dunk, but that simply isn’t true. There is a reason why trials take place. This allows the jury to...
When does defense become an act of violence?
You may know that a good defense to accusations of domestic violence or assault is to show that you were the victim and had to defend yourself. That being said, there is a point at which your defense will be considered violence or assault, too, if you go too far. The...