In South Dakota, you can’t buy recreational marijuana. You can purchase medical marijuana, which was recently passed. But recreational marijuana laws have not yet been passed, so it is unavailable for purchase to recreational users. That said, the number of states...
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To Protect Your Rights
Month: May 2023
Drunk people can’t actually gauge their own impairment
Most drivers, even when they know that they’re heading out to have a drink at the bar or a restaurant, will still tell you that they don’t plan to drive under the influence. They simply don’t think they’re going to drink enough that it would become a problem. If they...
South Dakota’s per se limit leads to many drunk driving charges
There are multiple reasons why police officers might arrest someone in South Dakota for an impaired driving offense. Sometimes, a driver has done something obviously dangerous in traffic. Certain driving behaviors, like swerving or operating a vehicle at under the...
2 protective order mistakes that can hurt your case
Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship. However, if those disagreements spiral out of control, the court might intervene. Consequently, the aggressive party may be issued with a protective order. An order of protection simply restricts your interaction with...