Build A Strong Defense To Protect Your Rights

Ryan Kolbeck

Violating a protective order can be serious

Differences are inevitable in any relationship. However, when those differences escalate to the point of violence or a threat of violence, the court may impose a protective order against the alleged aggressive party.

Basically, a protective order, as the name suggests, is meant to protect the alleged victim from physical, emotional, verbal or sexual abuse. If there is an active order of protection against you, it is important that you comply with its terms. A violation is a serious offense that can lead to an arrest. 

Every order of protection is unique. That said, here are common ways you might violate an active order of protection.

Contacting your victim

Typically, a protective order will bar you from coming into contact with your accuser. The order will often require you to keep a certain distance from the victim. It will also bar you from contacting them in any way, except under specific conditions. Whether you believe the order was justified or not, do not contact your accuser in an attempt to straighten out things. They might use this as evidence that you are attempting to defeat justice. 

What if they contact you instead? Well, this too can be tricky. If you have to contact your accuser, demand that such meetings happen in the presence of your legal counsel. 

Refusing to leave the home

Most often, the domestic violence-related order of protection may direct you to leave the home you are currently sharing with your accuser. The court may direct the cops to accompany you to the home so you can collect your personal effects. Refusing to leave the home if the court directs you to do so could amount to contempt, and this can land you in serious trouble with the law.

Protecting your rights

While the terms of a protective order may be complicated, it is in your best interest that you strictly adhere to them. Learning how South Dakota protective orders work can help you protect your rights and interests if there is one taken out against you.
