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3 school-related consequences for college students facing charges

When your teenager moves out and starts college, you want to start treating them like an adult. However, the truth is that their brain won’t be done developing for many years still. They can still make the same kind of mistakes that a teenager would without realizing the consequences of their actions until it is too late.

College students may drink alcohol at a party before they turn 21. They might experiment with drugs. They might try driving after having a few drinks or get into a fistfight while out socializing. Any of these mistakes could lead to lasting personal and academic repercussions.

What are some of the ways that college students face more risk for bad choices than others?

Their enrollment could be at risk

Most universities and colleges have codes of conduct that apply to their students. Criminal background checks may even be part of the admissions process.

Some schools will not accept students with any criminal record or will suspend or expel students convicted during their enrollment. The more prestigious the school is, the more likely it is a student will face enrollment consequences for a criminal issue.

Their financial aid could be in danger

Although the federal government has updated the rules regarding criminal convictions and federal student aid to be more forgiving of those with criminal records, there are still financial concerns for a conviction.

A student convicted of an offense may become temporarily ineligible for some kinds of federal student aid. Even if they rely on private scholarship programs, a conviction could result in a student losing a scholarship that they previously received or being deemed ineligible for a scholarship for which they would otherwise qualify.

Convictions can affect housing and extracurricular options

A college degree is no longer a guarantee of a good job. Students need internships, work experience or other extracurricular activities to make them stand out to future employers.

It can be much harder for someone to participate in collegiate athletics or clubs with a criminal record. In some cases, the school or individual programs may prohibit their involvement. Other times, students may become ineligible for on-campus housing, depending on the nature of the offense.

Helping your college student or prospective college student fight back against criminal charges can protect their future from the worst penalties possible after a conviction.