Build A Strong Defense To Protect Your Rights

Ryan Kolbeck

Steps To Take To Defend Against Marijuana Derivative Charges

With more and more states legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, new methods of using it are coming up every day. Nowadays, police are finding all kinds of edibles — gummy bears, brownies and more — in the cars of people driving from Colorado to the east coast through South Dakota. Because of this, it seems that our South Dakota police are targeting out-of-state vehicles, especially rental cars, expecting to find these substances, and they often do.

The big issue with police catching you with marijuana derivatives, like hash oils or cartridges, is that the law sees them as more serious than regular marijuana. Between this fact, and if your charges qualify as a federal crime, your consequences can include severe fines and jail times. Thankfully, at Kolbeck Law Office, I know how to pursue the best possible results for your case.

An Aggressive Defender For Your Freedom

I know how serious these kinds of charges are, which is why I fight so hard to get them dismissed. If the court will not dismiss your case, I am willing to go to trial and fight to have your sentencing reduced to as little as possible. A simple mistake should not reshape your entire future, so let’s fight to protect it.

Charged With Possession Of Edibles Or Marijuana Derivatives? Get Strong Representation Immediately.

If you or a loved one is facing federal or state charges for a drug-related crime, you need an attorney right away. Contact me to set up a free consultation with a dedicated SD trial lawyer today. Call 605-937-8376, and begin defending your future.